Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Our Far Flung Correspondent Evokes Emerson

From Our Far Flung Correspondent:

"Hello from Carmel, what you see in this photo is an ecologic disaster in Carmel resulting not from the nature, but from the interference of man. In an attempt to protect newly spawned steelhead the Carmel River was diverted inland to slow the flow to the sea. Instead, the rain-swollen river swept further inland and wiped out almost entirely the State Park and beach that was there. Where you see water was the beach that Louise and I went to regularly and it, along with the parking lot and most of the land leading to the beach, disappeared Sunday night. I took this photo Monday morning and at that time they feared that the water would move further inland and take the restrooms building and threaten Scenic Drive that goes along the top of the dunes. They averted that disaster by cutting a channel through the sand that they had piled up to originally divert the river. So.... the steelhead are gone, the mound that was a winter habitat for migrating birds is now below water and the beach and parkland have been washed away! Do these people not read Emerson???"

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